
When you post remember you are posting to a world audience. You must use correct punctuation - sentences must start with capital letters and end with full stops, check your spelling and use writing language not text language. Mrs FR

Monday, 27 July 2015

Cadbury world

On Sunday Laura, Maddison, bianca and I went to Dunedin for my birthday we went to the chocolate factory and inflatable world. These are some of the photos from the chocolate factory. These trucks only go 25 km an hour and that's without milk in them and without going up a hill. I loved the chocolate factory and we had heaps of fun.
Wishes to make the most of life and take every opportunity.
Dreams of being happy and making sure everyone around her can be happy too.
Wonders about what actually happened at Elain Mor, and how paper is made from a tree to paper.
Fears things that she has no control over and that probably won’t happen.
Afraid of snakes and rats.
Likes sport, speech and drama and cooking.
Believes that prisoners get taken care of better than the victims.
Loves being around people. She is a social butterfly.
Plans to go to Hollywood and act or just stay in New Zealand.